Press Release
New Cat Adoption Facility Opens in Evanston for Paws and Claws
Media contact: Ashlynn Boyce, 773-402-9838,

Evanston, IL - March 25, 2023 - North Shore animal lovers can rest a little easier this spring, as Evanston welcomes its new, full-service animal shelter. After three years and more than 1,000 lives saved through a foster-based model, Paws and Claws Chicago Rescue opens their first-ever facility in Evanston’s Main-Dempster Mile District on Chicago Avenue.
The Paws and Claws Cat Adoption Center makes this momentous launch, acting as a hub for adoptions, in-house medical care, education, resources, gatherings, and more. This new facility fills critical gaps for local service and is expected to - at minimum - triple the number of cats saved by Paws and Claws alone.
Founded by then high school student Ashlynn Boyce in 2020 at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Paws and Claws has since grown - quickly- boasting a foster network of 120+ families and 520 adopters to date.
Focused on saving felines at-risk of euthanasia, this rescue has honed in on their efforts and is devoted solely to cats. Though cats and dogs enter shelters at the same rate, two cats are euthanized for every one dog in US shelters.
By rescuing cats who are traditionally overlooked and at increased risk of euthanasia in municipal shelters (such as black cats, FIV positive felines, orphaned neonatal kittens, and under-socialized/shy cats), this animal rescue makes a commitment to fight for each animal they save and provide any medical or behavioral care they need.
Boyce shared the impacts of the organization’s rapid growth: “We had hit a point where we really just needed a space to continue moving forward in the way we envisioned. This center will allow us to be much more efficient, benefiting the animals and cutting costs. Most importantly, we are excited to have a space where we can work closely with the community who has supported us from day one and driven Paws and Claws to where it is today.”
The Paws and Claws Cat Adoption has been made possible by Good Apple, a highly-specialized media and measurement agency dedicated to developing impactful paid media strategies for brands that care to make a difference.
Actively engaged in a fundraising campaign with a goal of $400,000 for the buildout and building operating costs, the organization has raised just more than $155,000.00 as of April 2023 and is actively taking both monetary and in-kind donations.
About Paws and Claws
Paws and Claws is a 501(c)3 nonprofit founded in 2020 that focuses on saving the most vulnerable cats and kittens, and through foster homes and adopters, provides a nurturing environment that allows for medical and behavioral rehabilitation. This community-based rescue helps cats heal - mentally and physically - and gives them an opportunity to find love, a full life, and a forever home. Paws and Claws serves Evanston, Skokie, Wilmette, and other north shore suburbs, as well as Chicago.