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Grillmaster: The Cat They Overlooked, the Chance We Gave

We rescued Grillmaster in September. His shy behavior at the previous shelter led him to be overlooked. When that shelter’s cages filled, and adoptions couldn’t keep up with the massive numbers of cats entering the shelter each day, Grillmaster was at risk of losing his life.

Grilly came in on transport on a sunny Saturday with a dozen other cats who were now also safe. He didn’t realize it then, but things were only going to get better from there on out. 

It took Grilly several weeks to feel comfortable enough to poke his head out from his hiding spot and ask for pets at Paws and Claws. But as we see time and time again, he just needed some patience and space. He has begun to flourish here, just as we knew he would. 

Cats do not thrive in a typical shelter setting. They hide, shut down and stop eating.  When it is time for hard decisions to be made on who lives and who loses their life, they are at the top of the list. 

It has been our mission from day one to focus on those who need that extra care, understanding, and time not able to be given at municipal shelters. Thanks to our community's belief that every cat should get a second chance, Grillmaster is alive today and will be heading home with his new dad this week. 

You can help us save more cats like Grillmaster. Join Paw Print Club today to help us continue providing lifesaving care to cats in need.

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